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Club By Laws

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Club By Laws Empty Club By Laws

Post by Guest Sun Apr 05, 2009 6:19 pm

Wildhorses Mustang Club
By Laws

Article I

Section 1: Club Purpose

A. The general purpose of this club, and hereinafter called The Wildhorses Mustang Club, shall be to provide a social organization for all those interested in the restoration, modification, and promotion of modern, antique, classic, and/or special interest Ford performance vehicles. To encourage interest in said vehicles to the general public and bringing together all those with similar interests.

B. Our goal is to provide a family oriented atmosphere and conduct ourselves in a manner that reflects good moral in the community.

Article II

Section 1: Classification of Vehicles
In order to facilitate the general purpose, ALL Ford performance vehicles years, makes, and models are eligible for membership.

Article III

Definition of Bylaws
These Bylaws constitute a code of rules adopted by The Club, for the regulation and management of its affairs.

Article IV

Section 1
Membership is open to all individuals 18 years of age and older that are interested in promoting the purposes of this club.

Section 2
All persons shall become an active member in, after attending 3 club activities. “The Membership” shall consist of Full Members, Family Members, and Honorary Members. The mentioned members, with the exception of Honorary Members, shall share in all of the obligations and privileges of membership in The Club, providing the members are in good standing.

Section 3
Membership Classification is to read as follows:

Full Member - Members that have attended at least 3 club events/meets and are of legal age (eighteen).

Family Member - Member of the immediate family of a Full Member and resides in the same household of said member.

Honorary Member - One who is held in highest regard and has rendered notable service to the club. Honorary Members also are not required to own a car but have the willingness to partake in club activities, promote the Club, and/or have a vehicle under construction. Recommendations for Honorary Membership shall be appointed by the Executive Board.

Article V
During Club activities, club website, and other events, members shall:

1. Conduct themselves in a manner which promoted cooperation among members.
2. Respect each others opinions during meetings and allow each member the opportunity to present his/her views.
3. Refrain from making personal attacks and leave personal disputes outside of the Club’s activities.
4. Conduct themselves in a manner which promotes a favorable public opinion of the Club and it’s activities/events.
5. Conduct themselves in a manner on the Club website, which promotes favorable public opinion, without personal attacks and personal disputes. To include no excessive profanity, badgering and name calling.
6. Not make commitments on behalf of the Club without the approval of the President.

A. As a member of the Club, you will be expected to promote and to take part in a good share of Club meetings, activities, and functions brought forth.
B. Members must operate vehicles in such a manner that it will not cause embarrassment to said Club, its officers, and members. If such a case arises, the offending member will be asked to depart from the Club.
C. All Club members who drive while involved in Club functions or are traveling with said Club going to or from a Club function, shall abide by the laws of the State in which the club is residing, or any other State when representing the club.

Article VI

1. The officers (Executive Board) of the Club shall be President, Vice-President, *Secretary, and *Treasurer.
2. The President position is an elected officer of the Club. It is a position elected to a two (2) year term. With one (1) month remaining in the term, a motion will be made to determine if an election is necessary to challenge or to continue for another term for the current President without an election. The position of President may also change if the President chooses to resign early, appointing an intern President until an election can be held to determine an official replacement.
3. The Vice-President, Secretary, and Treasurer are positions appointed by the President as a permanent position within the Club until a motion is made to change amongst the membership or if the officer chooses to resign from the position.

* If deemed necessary officer positions for each State Chapter

President - Shall have general supervision, direction, and control of the business and affairs of the Club. The President shall sign all contracts. The President shall appoint any committee he feels necessary for the good and welfare of the Club. The President will preside over all meetings called for and he will act as an ambassador to any functions or activities held by the club or any other club he is asked to attend. The President will seek ways to help build membership, create ideas, and help promote and maintain interest for and by its members. The President shall also be responsible to plan and oversee the budget of the club funds for the next year.

Vice-President - Shall perform all duties of the President in the President’s absence, and when so acting, shall have all the powers and restrictions of the President. The Vice-President will preside over all meetings called for if the President is unable to attend. The Vice-President, too, will act as ambassador to any functions the President cannot attend. The Vice-President will report to the President as needed. The Vice-President will work with the Secretary and Treasurer in keeping those records that are necessary.

Secretary - Shall keep an accurate record of the proceedings of all regular, special, and Executive Board meetings. The Secretary shall keep the President aware of any and all correspondence that should be brought forth to the Executive Board (membership issues, events, fund raisers, etc).

Treasurer - Shall keep a correct accounting of the Club’s business transactions. The Treasurer shall deposit all monies and other assets in the Club bank account, disburse the funds of the Club, and shall render to the Executive Board an accounting of the Club’s assets when requested. Checks written against the Club’s fund must be signed by the President.

Article VII
Presidential Elections

1. All nominations for President must be active member in good standing.
2. All elected and appointed officers must remain in good standing and active for the duration of their term in office. All officers and directors will be elected at a meeting prior to the beginning of the new term and will take office the first day of the new term. Following an election wherein a new President is elected, the incumbent President will hold the position for one (1) month after the election as a transition period prior to the President elect taking over the position.
3. The elected term will consist of two (2) years
4. Nominating must be done at a called meeting from the meeting floor.
5. Election of the President will be decided by a majority vote of all active member present and in good standing.
6. All voting will be by secret ballot unless otherwise ruled upon by the membership.

Article VIII
Removal of Officers

1. Officers may be removed by the membership when and if the officer is deemed to be unsatisfactory in his/her position.
2. A 75% majority of all active members is required to remove an officer from his/her office.
3. Any officer removed from office is reduced to membership status.

Article IX
General Meetings shall be held in accordance with each State Chapters planned scheduled of meets. Location and time of said meetings will be announced by email, phone bank and club forum to the general membership.

1. A special meeting of the members may be called at any time upon seven days notice to the members, at the direction of the President, or upon request of the majority of the members.

2. A quorum shall consist of those members present at any regular or special meeting.

Article X

1. At time deemed neccessary amendments to these by-laws will be made and agreed upon by chapter officers and site administrators.


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